Foxy Brown Re-Cap.....

According to the New York Post, Foxy Brown was removed from the general population and locked away in a segregated cell for 76 days beginning Oct. 16 after committing three violations at Rikers Island this month.

The first incident occurred on Oct. 3 while Foxy and another female inmate were headed to the dining hall for a meal in the Rose M. Singer facility, the sources said.
They started shoving each other for reasons that were not immediately clear, prompting correction officers to jump in and separate the two before things turned bloody, officials said.
The next day, Foxy was verbally abusive toward correction officers and also refused to take a random drug test, the sources said.
After the three cases were reviewed by the Department of Correction, Foxy was sentenced to 76 days in "punitive segregation" and brought to her new digs, where she can spend up to 23 hours alone in her cell.
For an hour each day, she is allowed to see visitors, meet with an attorney, go to the library or exercise in a recreation area away from the general-population inmates.
The other inmate involved in the dust-up was given 11 days in the segregation unit, authorities said.
Foxy could face more disciplinary charges when correction officials examine another case in which she refused to board a Rikers Island bus at least twice to go to a scheduled Brooklyn court date on Oct. 12.
