"12 Days" Contest Entries.......

There's still time to enter the Tres Chic Style "12 Days of a Chic Christmas" Contest.
Details and rules can be found here.
The Entries are pouring in, just thought I'd share a few with you.......
- Melissa C. writes: My favourite Christmas present was a pair of hot pink roller blades when I was six. That Christmas was my best memory of my dad, who held my hand and taught me the art of skating - despite falling countless times, it was the happiest time of my life.
- Lilac Butterfly writes: My favorite gift was a diamond tennis bracelet from my mom when I was about 15.
Thanks for the entries fashionistas and our sincerest wishes for a Wonderful Holiday!
*Remember the contest ends December 23, 2007, so hurry and enter for your chance to win that Lockheart Handbag ($650 Retail).
Good Luck.......