Re-Gifting to De-Gifting....
Regifting is when you give that dreaded holiday gift to someone else next year. Many are guilty of this horrible practice. Personally I don't see anything cute about re-wrapping a gift that was purchased for you and presenting it to someone else like you actually chose it for them.....
The new trend these days are De-Gifting...... This is when you begin to sell the unwanted gifts on E-Bay. Simply Tacky.......
People are actually out there trying to cash in on unwanted gifts. This is sooooo not the spirit of Christmas.
I've been blessed to receive fab gifts this year and I can remember some bad ones from family through the years, like a set of slips (yeah the undergarments) and a hideous hat one year. In the end I never thought about re-gifting, just making it work. If you have a gift that you absolutely have no idea what to do with, before you think about regifting or de-gifting, email me and I'll teach you "How To Make It Work".