The Weekend Guide....

Olive & Bette's One Day Sample Sale
Olive and Bette's
252 Columbus Ave. @ 72nd St.
10 am - 7 pm
Get pumped for fall with this one day sale featuring up to 75 percent off apparel from Splendid, Theory, Autumn Cashmere and more!

If you love your Louboutins but hate the days of suffering a single night in them can cause, this workshop is for you. The popular Legwork class starts with a workout session designed to buff and prep your gams for even the highest heels, while the second half covers posture and walking techniques (BYO shoes). The $20 fee includes a bonus take-home DVD.
When: 9/20/2008 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Where: Sandra Cameron Dance Center
199 Lafayette St. (Broome St. & Kenmare St.)
On Saturday September 20, 2008 Miss Tres Chic will be participating in The United Way of NYC - LIVE UNITED Brooklyn Bridge Walk.
By walking with The United Way, myself, many other companies and individual New Yorkers, will help raise awareness about critical needs in Education, Health and Income in New York City.
Tres Chic Style fashionista's are encouraged to attend the Volunteer Festival after the walk, to take the next step to getting even more involved. The festival will include community agencies from all five boroughs, volunteer opportunities, free health screenings, music, entertainment and food.
The Day of Action kicks off at 9:45 a.m. with the Opening Ceremony in City Hall Park.
The walk, starting at City Hall in downtown Manhattan and ending in Cadman Plaza Park in Brooklyn, is about 1.5 miles in length.
See you on the Bridge....