9 More Days Till' Fashion Week....

Ready... Set... Go...
It's off to the tents for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week (Spring 2010). The hysteria is building and stylist and showrooms are in a spiral. Thoughts of the recession and looming health care plan have no room at this studded event. We watched as designers cut back last year, even Baby Phat opted out of their usual star studded affair.
Well it seems they're all back and ready to dazzle us just one more time.
Unless you're a fashion writer, blogger, celeb or socialite.... Your chances of getting in are slim to none! Unless.... You take a peek at some of our Tips that may actually get you in! One request, if any of these tips happen to work, send us an email treschicstyle@gmail.com and let us know.
Fashion Week Tips That May Get You In
- Volunteering can always get you in the tents, although you may have missed the deadline it's still worth it to contact them as the tents are always in need of extra hands.....
- Dress the part........Looking and acting like a fashionista helps your chances of getting into the places you want. Obviously if your reading this blog, you must be on your style game...
- Act Like You Belong There, Just stand in line with everyone else, inform those working the show that you don’t have a ticket, but you’d love to wait in standing. You’d be surprised how far a smile and a good attitude can get you in to the tents (worked wonders for me in the past)
If you're not lucky enough to be in New York.... No worries we'll bring you the best of Fashion Week. Stay Tuned...