A Guide to Chic Steals & Deals...

Greenonomics..Fashionsista.... Baragainista, we're innundated with savvy terms used to describe wallet concious shoppers these days. Let's face it...the thrill of a great find is invigorating!
Take a look at some chic tips to get you started...

  1. Always... Always.. Set a Budget!!!  Before heading out to the mall or cruising your favorite online retailer, construct a realistic budget. Think about how much do you really want to spend and keep any special events in mind.
  2. Head on over to Tres Chic Style and snag some haute coupons.... No worries, we've always got you covered!
  3. Try to avoid splurges... Unless they're a coveted pair of Manalo's on the clearance rack at Saks... Leave it There!!
  4. Try not to over-indulge in fads... Most will be a thing of the past next season.. *Remember those suspenders*
