In Chic Shopping: Miss Tres Chic Embarks on the $50 Challenge

Greetings Fabulous Ones....

While many begin their New Year's resolutions, I often shy away from any affirmations or declarations. However, I'm always committed to saving money and this little shopping habit of mines can cause issues from time to time. If you're a fabulous reader of this blog you must know all about my affection for Twitter. It's such the networking portal always filled with chock'full of information you can really use and identify with.

Recently a fellow blog diva Miss Cheap Chica of the savvy shopping blog Cheapalicious tweeted about her $50 challenge for the month of January. She is committed to only spend $50 for clothing and beauty related items. I so looooved the idea! As a blogger I must admit I live a very spoiled life. My beauty closet overflows with the latest product, innovation or serum. In lieu of spending money on unnecessary items I'll just shop my closets. The same goes for clothing, so I may actually do pretty darn well at this!

I've been working on  a strategy and so far..... Well you'll see for yourself  at the end of the month.

Savvy Spending Tips:

  1. Skip unnecessary trips to the mall. Opt for a leisurely walk in the park with some good music and a light snack. You'll get rid of those holiday pounds and save cash in the process!
  2. When shopping bring CASH only! I borrowed a lil' trick from Demetrice from IMPR(4L)ess and have 50 singles in an envelope ready to roll!
  3. Vintage is always chic! Shopping thrift stores can lead to some amazing finds. Hit those racks, be sure to try on and make it work fabulous ones!
  4. Shop Smart... The Cheap Chica reminded me to use my coupons and shop my own closet. I'm soo ready!
  5. Lastly, relax and have fun.. This is a great challenge to share with friends. Make it a competition! Get your BFF's together at the end of your challenge and compare your shopping finds. 
It's only Day One for me, but I'll be sure and check in regularly and share my progress here on the blog as well as Twitter, I'm using the hashtag #50dollarchallenge. Wish me luck and see ya soon!
