In Chic Review: Why Vince Vaughn's Delivery Man is a Holiday Must-See Film

The holiday's are the perfect time to grab the family and head to the movies. Delivery Man is a special film that will tickle your funny bone while leaving you teary at the same time. This warm comedy stars our favorite funny guy Vince Vaughn and his daily struggles living in New York City. He's a not-so-affluent member of a polish family, with a police girlfriend, and oh yeah he happens to be a sperm donor..... With about 500+ deposits! 

We meet David Wozniak working his delivery job in the family's meat business in the East Village. David's not quite the favorite son but definitely a genuine soul with a good heart. After finding out he's fathered 533 children, he spends the entire film deciding whether or not to reveal himself while secretly getting to know many of them along the way. 

Based on the 2011 French-Canadian remake Starbuck, Director Ken Scott takes us on a magical ride in his remake. There's a an emphasis on family bonding, mental/physical disability and love. It's a feel good holiday movie with a few surprises (good ones) to keep you entertained. 

Delivery Man arrived in theaters November 22 across the country. 
