In The Chic Life: April Happenings & Birthday Fabulous

April always represents a month of new beginnings, all things Spring AND my birthday.

This year I ushered in my 45th chapter of this book called life. And because Covid somehow still has it's neck on travel plans I celebrated with little grandeur or fanfare at home in Atlanta. Being an unapologetic beach girl I'm always looking forward to some sand in my life, thus it was a bit disappointing.

As I navigate my summer schedule I'll definitely be adding an Oakbluffs & Puerto Rico romp to the list. These days my business(s) have taken a priority as I'm embarking on a new journey that one day I'll share.
It's a project I'm passionate about, excites me and may be my retirement escape.

Along with living for brunch days and any excuse to wear an over-sized hat I'm prioritizing me and leaning into experiences that ultimately deliver me joy. With that there are bevy of unanswered texts and disruptions in communication that I make ZERO apologies for. I'm focused on creating a life that I LOVE and some folks don't exactly hold a prominent space in my joy.

Recently I spoke at an event on behalf of my PR firm Holland Group PR and I shared the gift of creating boundaries. Yes, it's really a gift!

It's not always about teaching people how to treat or interact with you, but creating a boundary in deciding how you will participate in the respective relationships.

Turning 45 has been a wonderful experience thus far. I feel wiser and embody the confidence to persevere and chase my goals.
I'm good with 45... And anxiously looking forward to all that she has in store.

Y'all Stay Fabulous...
